Aren't we all absolutely in LOVE with this inn? Every part of it. The Lobby as well as, the magnificent barn where all of the big shows took place. And, how about those cute little individual cottages the guests got to stay in? Sigh.

I just know if someone actually built this inn, exactly as it was on the show - barn, cottages, restaurant and all, that people would come from all over to stay there. They wouldn't be able to keep people away. So, if you have a lot of extra cash laying around that you don't know what to do with, would you please oblige us all and build this place? Asking for a few million friends.

Here's a view we never got to see in the movie, we only caught glimpses of it. But, I think this space is amazing, one of the stars of the show.

Here is the barn, where the dining and entertainment took place. One of my favorite spots is the area with the built-in fire pit. And, did I mention that incredible copper hood over the pit? Oh my. Will someone please just build this already? I want to vacation here so bad.

Here's the other end of that magnificent barn. Kudos to the art directors- Roland Anderson and Hal Pereira and the set decorators - Sam Comer and Grace Gregory. You made us feel something when we watched this show. And because of your work, we all have a special place in our hearts for this inn.

Hope you enjoyed the video walk-through tour. Wasn't it fun to feel like you were there? I loved getting to walk into the lobby and then straight through those green doors into the huge barn where the entertainment took place. I had so much fun doing this inn. Nothing quite like classic films ... except maybe getting to walk around inside of them.
That's a wrap. Now onto my next project.
To see the other TV and movie homes I've finished, visit the home page here: https://www.mockingbirdlane.design/