This list goes along with Cinematically Inspired Design Ep. 9: How to Design a Room Using Storyboards like the Cinema. You'll want to watch the episode above first to understand how to use them.

The list below is just to get you started. There are so many more things. You are looking for things that resonate with you on a deep level. Things you love. Things that have an attached meaning to them or elicit a mood or feeling. Many will have memories attached to them as well. Some will be from your childhood, while others could have be as recent as from your morning commute today.
Books - what types are you drawn to?
Movies - what are your top favorite movies of all time?
Movie Scenes - which ones stick in your mind and why
Music - songs, lyrics, symphonies, concerts, singing styles, etc.
Vacations Spots - both places you've been and places you'd like to go
Things that remind you of your home town
Clothing, costumes
People - everything from people in your life to historical figures
Pets and other animals
Seasons - and parts about the seasons that you love
Parts of nature that resonate with you
Pastimes and hobbies
Specific Colors
Artwork - paintings, sculptures, pottery, etc.
Other forms of art, such as dance
Places you love - museums, parks, libraries, etc.
Things associated with loved ones - perhaps a quilt your grandmother used to have
Sports - particular sports and things associated with them
Something from your room as a child, such as a lamp on your nightstand
A favorite restaurant
A poem
An old TV show
Your career or a career you'd love
Subjects you are drawn to, such as Math, Science, Physics
Sounds you love, ie: thunder
Smells you love
Situations, such as getting snowed in
Working Out - hikes, jogging, swimming, etc.
Comic Books
Forms of entertainment
Alright now, let your imagination run wild. Have fun with the "gathering information" part of this episode. Up next - analyzing and editing. But, for now, just gather.